a beautiful coincidence that Jonah's 1st Birthday is also Mother's
In honor of Mother's Day and Jonah's birthday, my husband Deva and I had a little get away this weekend to a bed and breakfast in Deep Creek, Maryland. We relaxed, spent time in nature, and reflected on this past year. On a comical side note, a bear stole our cooler off of the patio at our B&B and had a lovely salmon dinner. You're welcome bear.
Celebrating Jonah's birthday and Mother's Day all at once held a flood of emotions. But most of all my heart was flooded with pure love for my little butterfly. Despite the intense grief I feel, I must remind myself of the miracle of his birth, of his life, and of the impact he had and continues to have on us all.
After our trip to Deep Creek we visited Jonah's grave, where we found an amazing surprise - a birthday card and butterfly for baby Jonah from my dear friend Sophia.
Our very creative friend Susan made a darling cupcake with butterflies and footprints that Deva and I shared in honor of Jonah's first birthday. We sat at the cemetery and opened cards, sang, read Jonah's book (On the Night You were Born), and read a poem I wrote. I had a sense of peace being there and felt his presence as the wind roared and the sun played hide and seek with the clouds.
I'd like to share with you the poem I wrote to read at our baby boy's grave side today in honor of his first birthday. My feelings are real, and raw.
Mother’s Day, First Birthday
By Heidi Solomon
May 12, 2013
By Heidi Solomon
May 12, 2013
My darling boy….
If you were here I would nuzzle your noggin – with surely
a full head of hair by now
If you were here I’d kiss each little toe, both cheeks,
both ears
I’d comfort your cries
I’d love on you all day
But on this Mother’s Day, your first birthday, you’re not
You blessed my life with your presence
You completed our lives
But we had to say good bye to you
Last year
The day after Mother’s Day
Two days after you made your debut
And all these months I’ve clung to you – I’ve wished you
alive a million times
I’ve pretended you were here
I’ve dreamed about how our lives would have been so
And then all that pretending and wishing caught up to me
And as if our world wasn’t already crashing down upon us,
My life, my core, seemed to shatter in your absence – in
the illusion I’d built up around you
My breath left me
My grip on life left me
And despite the rawness of it all, I finally began
to heal
I finally let myself grieve, process
I discovered my identity – Once a mom, always your mom,
but not a mom right now
I had bound you up so tightly into my heart
That I didn’t know how to let go of my strong hold
But to move forward with my life, with my identity, I had
to give you back to the universe
And so I did
I opened my soul, my heart
And poured you out
Released you
Your soul and my soul were once one
And you’ll always be a part of me, but that’s just it my
love – a part
I am still whole
I’ve picked up the shattered pieces and slowly molded them
back together
A new me
Each day I miss you Jonah
But each day I learn how to be at peace with our reality
Please know my sweet boy that I will always love you
You will always be my first born, my first love
And your presence will always be among us
But you are a part of the universe now
A shooting star, a blooming flower, a tiny butterfly
You are the sunrise and sunset
You are the rain and my tears
I know the universe will bless me with reminders of you,
Jonah, each day of my life
You are separate from me, lovey, but you surround me just
the same
This Mother’s Day and your birthday I feel close to you
and a million miles away
All at the same time
And that is true
And that is ok
Happy Mother’s Day, Happy 1st Birthday dear
Jonah Henry